(But you cannot see my cosmic form with these physical eyes of yours. Therefore, I
grant you divine vision. Behold my majestic opulence!)
Vision of University
To produce world class professionals for converting global challenges into
opportunities through “Value Embedded Education”
To provide academic programs, services, facilities and technologies within the
realm of the curricula of the university, that offers diverse opportunities for
To prepare professionals who are either employable or employer.
To develop critical thinking, effective communication and learning skills in
students and to promote the value of ethical behavior, responsibility and
Mission of University
We at Gyanmanjari Innovative University shall strive continuously to achieve
academic excellence and research in science, engineering and technology through
dedication to duty, innovation in teaching and faith in human values.
To enable our students to develop into outstanding professionals with high
ethical standards to face the challenges of the next millennium
To fulfill the expectations of our society by equipping our students to stride
forth as resourceful citizens who are aware of their immense responsibilities to
make the world a better place.